Our retreat begins at 4pm on Wednesday and ends with Sunday Lunch. ***
Retreat Costs
Accommodation £390 plus Payment for Teachings More information on 'Deercc' here ~~~ Deposit ~ £70 (non-refundable) Balance ~ £320 (payable by 31 January 2024)
Booking for England/Wales/EU caimeachs opens on 4th October.
All rooms will be offered on a single occupancy basis this year, in line with what most of the caim have said they prefer, so places will be limited for this retreat. On 1st December booking will be opened to newcomers and the public, so caimeachs will want to book early to ensure a place on their annual teaching retreat with Sr Fionn.
RETREAT COSTS ACCOMMODATION The cost of retreat accommodation is £390. This includes your own room with shared bathroom, full board in Parcevall Hall, the fee which we pay for sole use of the meeting room, chapel, rest of the building and gardens, and the fee to the company that handles online payments. The non-refundable £70 deposit is payable on booking. The remaining £320 is payable by 31st January 2024.
DEERCC for TEACHINGS Your Deercc payment for Sr Fionn’s teachings is in addition to your accommodation costs and is made at the end of the retreat. You can find more details here: https://www.teinntean.co.uk/deercc.html#
CANCELLATION: If you have to cancel your place at the retreat, please let Teinntean know as soon as possible, so we can offer your place to someone else. The closer the cancellation is to the start date, the less likely it will be that we will find someone able to take your place. Please note that Teinntean will only be able to refund your final payment if we are able to fill your place. We recommend that you investigate Travel Insurance to cover you for this event.
ATTENDANCE ~ PLEASE ATTEND FOR THE FULL RETREAT Please be present for the whole retreat, to help preserve the sacred container for our time together. Arrival is from 4 - 6pm on Wednesday 20th March. Parcevall Hall will not be ready to welcome us any earlier than 4pm, so have asked that you do not arrive early. Please arrive in time for dinner at 6pm. Afternoon tea will be served and there will be time to settle in, walk in the beautiful gardens and greet each other before our silent retreat starts in the evening.
The retreat ends with lunch on Sunday 24th, which is at 12.30pm. If you really need to leave early to catch a train or plane, you could leave after the final session, which ends at 12pm. Our group needs to vacate Parcevall Hall by 3pm at the latest. There are no further teaching sessions after lunch.
BURSARY FUND We'd like to remind you too, of the Bursary Fund. If anyone feels it will be difficult to meet the full cost, this fund is there specifically for them. And in fact coming to a retreat with the help of a bursary benefits the whole Caim, both because of your own precious contribution to the làthar, and because fuller attendance makes a retreat more viable.
When the Teinntean team hire Parcevall Hall on behalf of the caim, we are committed to paying the full cost for the use of all Parcevall Hall facilities and garden, the meeting room and 17 bedrooms, even if not all the places are filled.
Application for bursary support is completely confidential. It is part of the ethos of our caim that we support each other, in practical as well as spiritual ways. Some caimeachs choose to donate to the bursary fund when they are able so that others may benefit, in the knowledge that they also may need that support one day. We have all been there!
If you would like to find out more about how the bursary works and how to apply, here is the link to the bursary page: https://www.teinntean.co.uk/bursary1.html#/